Saturday, February 24, 2007

Grand Canyon Through Lucas' Eyes-click on arrow to play

The Unforgettable Grand Canyon

We are at a rest area on our way to see the Grand Canyon.
What a view already!

The official park entrance sign! Can you tell Lucas is so excited?

What a majestic sight!

That's the Colorado River running through the Canyon.
Words don't do it justice.

More Arizona Pictures-What a Great Trip

I Did It! I climbed a big mountain!

Having fun trying to splash Mommy!

Sweet Lola and Grammy in Arizona

Monday, February 19, 2007

Teresa, Lucas and Lola's Arizona Adventure

Lucas and I are taking a break from hikng at the White Tank Mountains. He's looking for lizards.

Check out the cacti in the background!

We are on the Apache Trail on our way to Tortilla Flat, AZ. Lucas thinks he's a movie star!